Hey, I’m Taylor

My goal as a coach is to attempt to give individuals the tools that will allow them to build better versions of themselves. My first priority as a coach is getting to know the individual as best I can so that we can create a plan together that will help them down their path towards strength. I am a big proponent for consistent, high quality communication between the athlete and coach in order to build an effective coaching relationship.

I check on and update programming from week to week in order to stay tuned in with each individual athlete. Not only are the sessions auto-regulated themselves, but also the overall plan will regulate itself based on both quantitative and qualitative feedback received from the athlete. I believe that training should be treated as sport practice, and this will be reflected in the prescription of training as well as the technical feedback the athlete receives regarding training performance.

My hope is to build coach-athlete relationships that go above and beyond the transactional nature of our world. My hope is that athletes are able to learn more from me than just squatting, benchpressing, and deadlifting. My hope is that I am able to learn as much, if not more, from you than you do from me. Coaching will go beyond the technical and theoretical side of powerlifting, the real goal being that the lessons learned through the trials of powerlifting transfer over to the rest of an individual’s life as well.

Powerlifting is a great metaphor for life. It’s about getting up when something is bringing you down. It’s about pushing back when weight is pushing you down. It’s about being able to stand up when you weren’t sure if you could. For that everlasting moment in time all that matters is standing up. My goal is to help people stand up.


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